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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Langkawi - Air Hangat hot hot spring 蘭卡威溫泉

The best thing about backpacking is that you don't really need to follow what's on the itinerary and what's being planned. Just follow your HEART. Sometimes this you lead you to a destination off your map.

背包旅行吸引人的地方, 在於沒有規定的行程和路線, 偶然的際遇往往成了旅途中附贈的驚喜.

Air Hangat hot spring is my surprise.
蘭卡威的溫泉, 就是一個驚喜.

We were on our way from Galeria Perdana to Langkawi Craft Complex when we saw a big signboard "Air Hangat Village" on our left. Hangat means warm or hot in Malay, and Air means water. A village with hot water?

參觀完首相展覽館要前往蘭卡威手工藝品中心的路上, 看到左手邊有個大大的告示牌寫著Air Hangat Village, 從馬來文直譯的話是 "熱水村".  蘭卡威果然連地方的名字都那麼神話.

Yes, we found a hot spring village, accidentally.
原來, 我們來到了溫泉村.

This place is associated with a legend that two families of bitter enemy who used to quarrel with each other over trivial matters. They threw jugs, mugs, pots, pans and almost everything at each other everytime. There's one time when a jug filling with boiling water fell on the ground and immediately a hot fountain gushed out from the ground. That's how the hot spring came from.

蘭卡威 (浮羅交怡 ) 是充滿傳奇的地方, 這裡也不例外. 傳說中這裡曾經有兩個冤家, 他們每次吵架時都會唏哩花啦的丟盤子, 杯子, 水壺和鍋子等. 有一次他們把一壺裝滿熱水的容器掙到地上給打破了, 結果地上就流了滿地的滾燙的水, 川流不息的形成了溫泉.

Believe it or not, legends and stories will always make a bored place more interesting.
信不信由你, 一個地方只要具有故事性和話題性就會增加許多樂趣了.

The hot spring actually covers quite a mass area of the so called village. There are a few big hot spring ponds where I thought was fish ponds when I first came in. Then besides the ponds, you can see some little ponds made up of piles of stones. Bubbles and warm water come out from the pipe in the middle of the little pond.

以自然溫泉來說, Air Hangat溫泉村算是比較大型的, 尤其是它擁有幾個我當初進來時以為是生態池的溫泉湖. 在湖邊有幾個用石頭堆砌而成的小池, 有接管銜接讓地下溫泉從中間夾帶著氣泡慢慢流出.

There is a little pond that I found quite interesting. It's just like a little forest in the water. The algae grow in an unique way that, under the hot sun, you have the illusion of seeing Avatar. It's just amazing to see life form growing in such a hot temperature.

其中一個比較乾淨的小池裡可以看到很漂亮的綠藻, 近看彷彿是一座綠意盎然的小森林. 不時在旁邊的溫泉湖還可以看到小魚和螃蟹. 腦中迸出一個想法, 如果能夠像這些生物一樣耐熱, 或許生活在馬來西亞這熱帶國家就不會天天喊熱了. 哈哈.

Hot Hot Hot~!!!! That's what I felt when I stepped into one of the hot spring. It's not that the water temperature was hot but the rocks! It's really burning my ass, almost cooked.

終於看到一個比較乾淨的溫泉了, 決定去拍張照留念. 沒想到泡湯變得好燙, 燙的不是溫泉, 而是旁邊在太陽底下曬了一整天的石頭. 我的八月十五都快被燙焦了, 再坐久一點搞不好就可以烤魚丸香腸了.

 The decoration around is quite nice with some kiosks and small wells. But as a friendly reminder, please come during a good weather as Langkawi (and the whole Malaysia) is quite hot and the hot spring is quite HOT too. You're here to enjoy, not to get a heatstroke.

The best time? come in the evening.

這裡的環境設計得不錯, 只是要來泡溫泉的話還是建議傍晚時分來, 不然這裡屈指可數的涼亭加上四十多度的溫泉, 如果體質不好的人很快就會中暑了.

If you don't want to soak out the stress in the hot spring, you can take a walk around the village (I prefer to call it a garden). The view is quite nice and there's a pond of colourful lotus with many small creatures that will surprise you.

如果你不想在這炎熱的天氣裡熱上加熱的泡溫泉, 你可以選擇到附近的公園走走. 這裡算是規劃的蠻好的一個公園, 而且設計得不錯. 傳統的建築加上一些神話故事的描繪, 小橋流水卻少了人家, 有時迂迴有時豁然開朗. 在這裡你會有不同的看見.

Bring a tower when you come. You can use it to cover your head and you can use it to dry your legs after the spa. Make your body clean and make your mind clear. What a nice place to be.

來到這裡請記得帶一條毛巾 (應該說在蘭卡威去到哪裡都應該帶, 因為有無數的美麗海灘等著你).毛巾可以用來遮擋炎熱的太陽, 也可以用來擦乾泡完溫泉的腳, 一舉數得.

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