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Monday 11 June 2012

The Diving Chicken Rice - Nasi Ayam Terjun 跳水雞飯?

What? A jumping chicken?
什麼? 跳水雞?
I was attracted by it's name, too, when I passed by the Malay food court. As written on the banner, Nasi Ayam Terjun means "Diving" Chicken Rice in Malay. How can a chicken dive? That's something special. Since it's dinner time and my curiousity urged me to go in and see what it's all about.

今天經過馬來小吃攤時不經意的被布條上的字眼所吸引了。Nasi Ayam Terjun 跳水雞飯? 我只聽過落水狗但從來沒聽過有雞會下水的。所以在好奇心的驅使下就進入這家餐廳探個究竟。

Guess what? This is the Diving Chicken Rice. According to the friendly lady boss,whom has invented this special meal and run the business here for seven years, it's the process of making it which got its name. The BBQ chicken is cut into pieces and put into the bowl, then the special home-made-soup is poured down like a cascade. So the word terjun can be described as Air Terjun (cascade) or just simply terjun (dive).

原來這就是跳水雞飯!在馬來文裡Terjun是"往下跳" 或 "瀑布" 的意思。經過發明這道菜餚並在這裡開檔七年了的老闆娘介紹後,才知道原來它的名字源自於其製做過程。它的製做方式是先把燒雞肉放進碗裡,再淋上特製的湯汁就大功告成了。我想是那澆灑的過程像是瀑布淋下來所以才叫Terjun吧。

Well, the idea is cool. What about the taste?
I would say it's very special to a first timer. The chicken tasted tender when soaked in the soup, giving you an easy and lazy bite. The soup is a little sour due to the lemon juice and a bit spicy (actually you can ask for less spicy one, just like what i did) but the taste is not covered by its special aroma. Chewing the coriander leaves will give you another arrangement of taste.

It's a MUST TRY.
Ok, where to get it?  It's somewhere between the shoplots at Jalan Pandan 3, the third to the right of the Malay foodcourt, about 10 minutes walk from LRT Pandan Jaya. The stall's name is "Zun Restoran" and they offer FREE drinks on Fridays from 12pm till 3pm!!

要怎麼找到這家店呢? 你可以在LRT Pandan Jaya站下車後往Jalan Pandan 3的方向走,在店屋的中間你會看到一排馬來美食攤,右邊第三間第19號寫著Zun Restoran的就是了。他們每個星期五中午十二點到三點還有免費的飲料喔。

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