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Friday 30 December 2016

被上帝遺忘的巴西貧民窟 Brazil's Slum


Wednesday 9 July 2014

It's all about DUCK 全馬首創鴨子主題休閒農場

這座名為「自農休閒農莊」(Trong Leisure Farm)位於霹靂州瓜拉直弄路,距離南北大道章吉遮令收費站僅10分鐘車程。

Monday 10 March 2014

Seductive Malaysia F.......ood 馬來西亞的極致誘惑


更多關於裸體炸奶的遐想,噢不,是更多關於Roti Canai的詳情請點閱

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Go Green Car-free Morning in Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡無車日


Monday 6 January 2014

Yap Ah Loy - The Father of Kuala Lumpur 葉亞來

吉隆坡開埠之父— 葉亞來 (Yap Ah Loy)


葉亞來的功績是多方面的,除了保衛吉隆坡外,在建設吉隆坡方面,更是居功厥偉,其中包括開礦築路,維持治安與引進勞工,以及種植開墾等。 “茨廠街”名字的由來,源自葉亞來在當地(現茨廠街豐隆銀行所在)設立了木茨加工廠之故。

Monday 21 October 2013

Kelantan - Where Tradition Remains

A state that borders Thailand, with a mixture of both Thai and Malay culture. Kelantan is urban but strong with its own taste of livelihood. Take a boat ride, a bike ride or even a cattle ride here.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Malaysian passport in world’s top 10 best for travellers

Malaysia and Singapore were the only two Southeast Asian countries to make the top 10 in the 2013 index. — AFP pic
Malaysia and Singapore were the only two Southeast Asian countries to make the top 10 in the 2013 index. — AFP pic 

By Boo Su-Lyn for the Malay Mail Online

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 10 — Malaysia’s passport is ranked the ninth best in the world for travellers, a recent survey found, based on the number of visa-free countries people can travel to out of 219 destinations.