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Friday 4 November 2011

Kuantan - Cherating Turtle Sanctuary 珍拉汀看海龜去

Located 50 km north of Kuantan, Cherating is undoubtedly one of the most popular beach on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The sandy beaches are dotted with pleasant casuarinas trees and calm water, making it an attractive venue for backpackers, tourists and also locals. There is a turtle sanctuary near Cherating and Pulau Ular (Snake Island) is just a few kilometers away from Cherating.

距離關丹市五十公里外的珍拉汀海邊(Cherating Beach)可說馬來西亞東海岸其中一個最漂亮的海邊。這裡有延綿數百公里的海岸線,踏上這裡柔暖的沙灘,走累了就走到婆裟起舞的椰子樹下,聽著海風在貼著耳邊的貝殼輕聲細語。時間不經意的從指縫間像流沙般消失,也無所謂。


The turtle sanctuary was established in the year 1972 as a turtle hatchery in an effort to protect the endanger species in particular the Leatherback Turtle. It was opened to the public in 1st June,1998. Situated at the Chendor Beach or Pantai Chendor, this centre helps to ensure the survival of the turtles that land here to lay eggs during the months from April to August (best time to visit here).


此保育中心是在1972年成立,於1998年6月1日此中心開始開放給外界。此中心的宗旨在於保護瀕危的海龜品種,尤其是這裡的特有種稜皮龜(Leatherback Turtle)。透過保育以確保每年四月到八月到岸上產卵的海龜得以存活。同時也希望藉此宣導對海龜的保育,也讓大眾對海龜的孵育有更多的了解。

So if you come on the right time, and LUCKY enough, you'll be able to see the Leatherback Turtle coming to shore to lay eggs. But nowadays it's hard to see turtle coming to shore as the number has dwindled due to the stealing of turtle eggs for commercial use and pollution. Still, you can visit the hatchery and sometimes you can see the hatchling being released into the sea at night.


In total, there are 7 species of marine turtles in the world and 4 of these species land and lay their eggs on Malaysian beaches. They are the Leatherback Turtle, Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle and Olive Ridley Turtle. Besides the Leatherback Turtle, you can also find Hawksbill turtle & Green Turtle here.

在全世界七種(馬來西亞四種)海龜中稜皮龜是體積最大的一種,可長達240公分。在馬來西亞可以看到的海龜還包括玳瑁(Hawksbill Turtle),綠海龜(Green Turtle)和太平洋麗龜(Olive Ridley Turtle)。在保育中心的水池裡可以看到綠海龜及玳瑁自有自在的遨遊。

The Hawksbill has a mouth that resembles a hawk's bill and can weigh up to 75kg with a length of 1m.
The Green Turtle has a green fat in its body. Externally, it is olive-brown in colour. It can have a weight of up to 270kg and 1.2m in length. It is the only species with a hook on both of its front swimming flippers. It feeds on algae, sponges, sea grasses and lays between 80 to 150 eggs per nest.

The display of specimens in the centre is something you should not missed. You can see the growing process of turtle from egg to hatchling. Something you must see is the Double-headed turtle as the picture shown above. Besides that, you can see sea shells and corals found around the sea of Cherating at the main exhibition hall.


Visiting Hours 參觀時間
Tuesdays to Sundays : 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5:30pm
(The lunch break is from 1pm to 2pm. The centre is closed on Mondays.)
Fridays: 9am to 12:00pm, 3pm to 5:30pm
(The centre is closed from 12pm to 3pm for Friday prayer)
Night Visiting Hours
Mondays to Sundays : 7:30pm to 7:30am
The programme during the night include turtle watching, releasing the hatchlings to the sea and the turtle hatching programme.
Visiting the centre is Free of Charge.
For more information, you can call the centre at +6 09 581 9087

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