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Wednesday 28 March 2012


無意間發現,原來我常常去吃早餐的地方, 我家鄉美里的 "河婆公會" 樓下美食檔被台灣的八大電視台採訪入鏡了. 介紹的是我從小吃到大的客家美食: 菜粿, 粿雜等. 看了絕對會讓你流口水~

Pasembur - the Indian salad 印度沙拉

A lot of people don't know what is PASEMBUR. This applies to most of the Malaysian too. You might have seen it, heard of it, but never tried it. So I'm trying my best to tell you all what it is.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Tanjung Piai - the Southmost tip of Asia 直到天涯海角

世界上最浪漫的事, 莫過於有人跟你說 :
"無論到天涯或是海角, 我都會愛妳到海枯石爛"

這句話如果是在丹絨彼艾 (Tanjung Piai) 說的, 那可真的變成了海誓山盟, 絕對比鐵達尼號還浪漫。為甚麼這麼說呢?

If you want to be the most romantic man in the world, come to Malaysia, as there is a place where you can shout out "I will love you till the end of the world!" and that happened to be solid true. How could that be?
check it out here