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Saturday 21 April 2012

Penang Asam Laksa 檳城最好吃的叻沙

It seems like eating the Pasar Air Itam Laksa is a MUST when you pay a visit to Kek Lok Si in Penang. That doesn't apply on me until recently....

來了檳城很多次, 幾乎都會到極樂寺去參觀. 每次到了Air Itam, 轉彎進入極樂寺入口前都會跟遊客介紹在左手邊最有名的檳城叻沙(Laksa), 而且總是叮嚀說要早點去不然要排隊.

每次我都介紹客人去, 但是每次我都不吃. 不是因為不好吃, 而是我怕辣.

好啦, 我是怕辣的......俗辣 > <

I got to enjoy a tour to Penang with a group of  "passionate" guests who treated me so good they invited me to eat along with them everytime. It happened to be the same when they went to Kek Lok Si. I've been "persuaded" to sit and eat with them, and that's when I started sweating.

直到最近帶了超級親切的本地客人, 在萬般推辭下還是被他們拉著坐下來一起吃. 他們也許沒有發現, 我的額頭和臉頰已經在冒汗了. 不是因為天氣很炎熱, 而是我已坐立不安的冒冷汗了. 因為我看到老闆在調著那兩鍋紅通通熱辣辣的醬料.

Well, to be frankly, I'm just too chicken when it comes to something SPICY, or look spicy.

我的媽呀, 我心想, 繞了我吧~~

When I had the idea of escaping, the Laksa just arrived in front of me. All I saw was RED with chili topping. Kill me please~~~ No matter how, I still have to eat it (to prove that I'm a Malaysia...haha)
就在我焦慮得不知怎麼辦時, 老闆已經把一碗放了很多佐料, 最上端由切片辣椒點綴的叻沙放到我的面前. 為了證明給客人看我很愛馬來西亞的食物 (什麼道理啊), 我趕快到旁邊賣甘蔗水的攤位買了一杯甘蔗水以防萬一辣過頭還可以解一解.

I grabbed a glass of sugarcan juice and started with my first scoop. It wasn't so bad (and spicy) afterall. And somehow the sardins and the onions in the bowl made it more arrangement in taste. It's RED but I will put a green light for it. I will concure you, Laksa~!!

就這樣, 我這個俗辣硬著頭皮試吃了第一口, 呼了一口氣, 還好沒想像中那麼辣. 不過這一碗RM3.50的叻沙還真花了我不少時間和勇氣來吃. 結論是, 還不錯啦. 因為有客人連吃了三碗~!!!

The person in charge of the stall is actually quite nice and friendly. A lot of my guests wanted to take picture with this hall-of-fame-hawker. Of course, I'm one of the fans now :)

吃完後客人要求跟老闆合照, 我也來拍一張. 老闆說, 每次客人吃完後都會找他拍照, 他都很享受當明星的感覺. (老闆娘站在旁邊笑笑一直不想入境, 看誰有機會跟她拍照嚕)