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Sunday 13 May 2012

Most beautiful sunset in the world 世界上最美的夕陽

I don't know if this picture catches your attention or not. If you WOW just now, click in for more; if you think is OK, you haven't really enjoy your life yet.

不知道你有沒有被這張照片所吸引. 如果有, 讓我告訴你在哪裡可以看到; 如果沒有, 你的人生還可以更美麗浪漫.

I've been to a lot of place and watched a lot of beautiful sunset, usually just sit back and enjoy the moment. Until I went to Langkawi and got to see a sunset of its kind. It really made me WOW.

曾經在無數個海邊停駐, 為的只是看那短暫卻讓人回味無窮的夕陽. 這一次的蘭卡威陽光之旅, 讓我對夕陽有了重新的詮釋.

It's always a good idea to watch sunset in a beautiful evening. That was our plan during the first day in Langkawi at the cable car, but the officers turned us down when it's time to close and we didn't see the whole sunset. So we decided to go to the BEACH on the other day (where nobody will ask you to leave since it's public)

走完了一天的行程, 決定到海邊去看夕陽作為happy ending, 因為昨天本來要在纜車觀景台上看夕陽, 卻因為時間到要關閉而被工作人員趕下來沒看到日落, 有點小小遺憾. 所以就跟同事Jean按著地圖上的指標去到真浪海灘 (Cenang Beach), 沒想到太興奮錯過了入口, 竟然去到了Tengah Beach. 也因為這樣的誤打誤著讓我同事一圓玩拖曳傘的夢想.

We wanted to go to the famous Cenang Beach but too much attractions on the roadside (Oops) made us missed the junction.We were just lucky to go to another beach which was not that crowded, the Tengah Beach. My friend decided to play the parasailing.

The scenary is beautiful and amazing, even better with you own eyes. I didn't manage to take many shots as the wind was kinda strong and my friend got up in the sky like a kite in just a few seconds. It looked fun, but I'm just too chicken to try, yet.

拿著相機還來不及按下快門, 她就像放風箏一樣由前面的快艇拉著隨風飄了上去. 說真的, 我還蠻佩服她的勇氣的.

I only managed to take a few shots, as I was staring at the beauty of nature for most of the time. Amazing, and breath taking.

有人說專業的拍照是摒著呼吸完成的, 這時候的我也是摒著呼吸的. 不是因為我專業, 而是透過透過鏡頭, 我看到了什麼叫美, 什麼叫一幅畫. 我不知道按下了多少的快門, 只知道錯過了這一刻, 明天的雲彩不再一樣.

I like the sunset here, not just because it's beautiful, but how it sets. Normally, we will the sun goes "into" the sea and disappears. But right here in Langkawi, we all know that there are a lot of islands. So the sun is actually "hiding" behind the island and hills before it really sets. This will make you wanna tiptoe and take a glimpse of the last twilight.

夕陽像是鄰家女孩般害羞的猶抱琵琶半遮面躲到小島的背後. 夜幕低垂更是為這座充滿神話的島嶼增添了許多神秘色彩. 
Getting on the parasailing will make you get to see the sunset for a longer time, perceptionally and hallucinationally. But one thing for sure, getting on the height of 400 ft, you can see how beautiful the surrouding scenary is and with your feet hanging, it's surely something exciting!!

這是從拖曳傘上看下來的景觀. 腳底下是凌空的, 大概有五六層樓高吧. 無數的小島像是散落各地的拼圖, 在陽光的餘暉下慢慢的契合. 耳邊聽不到沙灘上的嬉鬧聲, 取而代之的是風兒頑皮的口哨聲.

You will get to see a lot of beautiful sunset all around the world. What really matters is how you see it. I believe parasailing is the best way to have a lifetime experience. A perfect sunset, a perfect game, a perfect memory.

在那麼高的空中, 請不要閉上你的雙眼. 因為經過這次旅程之後我才了解到, 全世界的夕陽都可以是很美麗的, 重點只在於你用什麼方式度過那短暫卻永恆的回憶. 在拖曳傘上看夕陽, 絕對是我第一推薦的選擇~!!!

The sunlight fades out, but the memory remains fresh.

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